The 18th World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis will take place June 28 - July 3, 2026 in Nagoya, Japan at WINC AICHI. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together the diverse international community of investigators in statistics who develop and use Bayesian methods to share recent findings and to present new and challenging problems.
The call for invited sessions will be announced in March 2025. Calls for contributed talks and posters will be announced in Fall 2025. Registration information will be available in Fall 2025.
The Foundational Lectures celebrate excellent researchers who have made notable and substantial contributions to the Bayesian community throughout their careers.
The Keynote Lectures highlight exciting new research developments.
The Susie Bayarri Lecture is delivered at the ISBA World Meeting by an outstanding young researcher under 35 years of age. The lecture is named to honor the memory of lifetime member M.J. Susie Bayarri. Due to personal reasons, the 2024 Bayarri Lecture will be given at the 2026 World Meeting.
The Bruno de Finetti Lecture is delivered at the ISBA World Meeting by an outstanding scholar who has provided significant contributions to the advancement of Bayesian Statistics
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